BCA Trial Victory in Navarro County
April 16, 2018In a case involving the State Bar of Texas, BCA represented a former district attorney who prosecuted the Todd Willingham capital murder case more than 23 years prior. With the help and urging of the Innocence Project of New York, Willingham’s stepmother and cousin filed a grievance against the former prosecutor with the State Bar of Texas alleging he extorted perjured testimony from a jailhouse informant in order to convict and execute an innocent man.
After years of negative media attention and negative publicity where the prosecutor has tried over and over again in the court of public opinion, the State Bar brought a disciplinary action against the prosecutor seeking to have him disbarred. After an exhaustive investigation and interview of numerous witnesses, BCA became convinced of the prosecutor’s innocence and proudly took on his defense. After a three week trial in Navarro County, with heavy security and media coverage, a jury of his peers returned a verdict finding he had violated no disciplinary rules and not engaged in any illegal or unethical behavior and awarded him his costs of court.